What is UAS Anyways? – When and How to Use Your Universal Anchorage System to Install a Car Seat

When you first purchase a car seat and read your car seat manual, you’re going to learn that the seat can be installed with your vehicle’s UAS system. Wait, what’s UAS? You didn’t know your car even had a UAS system, did you? Before I had children, I certainly had no idea that this system existed. But now that I know, I find that UAS is both easy to spot and convenient to use for many car seat installations.
As a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) I’ve educated caregivers on car seat installation and best practices and often speak with them about UAS installation. Sometimes parents are surprised to learn that their vehicle has a UAS system, and they often have questions about how and when to use seat belt vs UAS for car seat installation. In this post, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the UAS system and how it is used.
As you learn about UAS systems please remember that you need to read your car seat and vehicle manuals to determine the guidelines surrounding UAS use with your car seat. Your car seat manual and vehicle manual are your guides to proper installation and usage of YOUR car seat. All information in this post is for general information purposes only and should not be used as a guide to installing your car seat.
Have a specific question about UAS or car seat installation? Book a consultation with Seated Safely or a CPST in your area to ensure your seat is correctly installed and being used properly.
What is UAS for a Car Seat?
If you own a car manufactured after September 2002, you have a Universal Anchorage System (UAS). UAS is an anchor system that can be found at the back of your seat where the bottom of the seat meets the back. The UAS system is built into the frame of your car and can sometimes simplify the car seat installation process.
Typically, UAS anchors are easy to find though they can sometimes feel hidden and tricky to access, though I can assure you, they exist! If you’ve never used the UAS system before, take a look for it the next time in your vehicle. Typically, UAS anchors are marked with a symbol that looks like an infant in a car set. You don’t necessarily need to use UAS to install your car seat and can instead use the seatbelt, though UAS can be a good installation option for some caregivers.
How to Install Bucket Seat Base with Lower Anchors UAS
If you have recently installed or are about to install an infant car seat for the first time your manual will detail how to install the seat using UAS. Your first step in learning how to install baby car seat With UAS or LATCH will always be to read your car seat manual. Generally speaking, UAS connectors for car seats are either rigid or flexible and simply clip into the latch anchors before tightening.
Rigid LATCH or UAS systems can be found on a variety of car seats. Clek’s convertible seats are just one of the many types of car seats with rigid LATCH or UAS connectors. Shown here is the Clek Foonf with its rigid UAS system. ADD CLEK FOONF PICTURE
Flexible UAS connectors are very common and are just as safe as rigid latch options. The Graco 4Ever is a popular car seat that utilizes a flexible LATCH or UAS anchor technology. Both types of LATCH or UAS systems are easy to install and installation information specific to your seat will be found in your car seat manual. ADD GRACO 4EVER PICTURE
How to Remove UAS Car Seat Base Easily
Once you’ve got your car seat installed using UAS you might be wondering how on earth you remove it. UAS systems often help parents to get a tight install and sometimes this means a tricky removal. Removing a car seat base that has been installed with UAS shouldn’t be hard though. Look for red or orange buttons on your car seat with the UAS symbol. These are release mechanisms that help you to loosen the fit or release the lock on your car seat base in order to remove it. Never cut out the UAS system on your seat if you can’t get them unstuck. Instead, reach out to a CPST in your area to help.
How to Fasten a Front Facing Car Seat Using UAS
Some parents wonder if it is possible to install a front facing car seat with UAS. Though front facing car seats will come with the option to install with UAS or LATCH systems, it may not be possible to do so based on the weight of your child. Most vehicle and car seat manufacturers state a UAS weight limit of 65lbs which includes both the weight of your car seat and the weight of your child. If these numbers do not exceed 65lbs then you should be able to install your front-facing car seat with the UAS. There are exceptions to this rule and as always, refer to your car seat manual and vehicle manual to understand when it is time to switch to a seatbelt installation.
Generally speaking, front facing car seats can be installed with UAS in a similar manner as rear facing seats as in they simply clip into the lower anchors before being tightened. It is important to read your manual to ensure you have routed flexible LATCH or UAS connects through front-facing positions and also have used the front facing tether anchor for a front facing car seat installation.
If you are using a convertible seat, be sure to read your car seat manual carefully as there are often steps that need to be taken in order to properly convert a rear-facing car seat to a front facing seat.
When to Use Seat Belt vs UAS in Canada
UAS and seat belt installation options are equally as safe when done correctly. Choosing which type of installation to use will often depend on factors such as the weight of your car seat and child, the ease of installation with either method or the location you wish to have your seat in within your vehicle. Sometimes anchors are not available for middle seats, or a car seat manufacturer will not allow you to borrow an anchor from an outboard passenger seat. Other times you may simply wish to use a seatbelt install as it is the easier and more convenient option. There are many variables at play and the answer will be highly dependent on the seat you own, the vehicle you own and your child. If you are having difficulty with car seat installation, consider booking a car seat installation service near me from a certified CPST.
Can I Use UAS and Seat Belt Together?
In most cases, you can either use the UAS or seat belt to install a car seat. However, this is not always the case. Some car seats allow for both the UAS and seatbelt to be used for front-facing installation. Additionally, some booster seats allow for a UAS to be used to keep the booster from becoming a projectile when a child is not in it, yet the seat belt is of course still used with the booster seats to keep a child safe. It may sound repetitive but reading your car seat manual is the only way to know whether your car seat allow for installation using both methods. And as always, you’ll also need to ensure your vehicle allows for this type of installation too.
Knowing which method of installation is best for your circumstances can sometimes feel confusing. Though car seats can appear to be straightforward, there are often many considerations that can easily be overlooked or even forgotten over time by parents. Keep an eye on your car seats weight limits for UAS installation and ensure you read and understand how to install your seat in your chosen method. If you are looking for a CPST in Durham Region, Seated Safely is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your car seat questions and concerns. We look forward to helping you keep your children seated safely.